Hana walking martyr left Zaki Şahide Saints Church, which shed its blood in the name - منتدى ام السمائيين و الارضيين
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البحث الأعضاء الرسائل الخاصة

منتدى ام السمائيين والارضيين

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قديم 11-05-2011, 08:38 PM   رقم المشاركة : 1
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الصورة الرمزية بن الملك


132 Hana walking martyr left Zaki Şahide Saints Church, which shed its blood in the name

Biography of the martyr
Hana left intelligent

Hana was born martyr left Zaki, Oct. 14
1988 city of Fayed
Ismailia and associated with the Church of
St. George

Pfaad Artur from the fountain where the mother church

Was a good girl does not know the meaning of hatred or Zein
The outside but
The deposit was pure beautiful in the simple form
And Pacific
Simple transactions in the darling of all.

Hana walking martyr left ZakiHana walking martyr left Zaki

Hana walking martyr left Zaki

Hana walking martyr left Zaki

Completed high school and caused the Faculty of Education, University of
Suez Canal in the first year the university offers
A young man from Alexandria named Majid Naji (from
Among those injured in the accident), where he heard about
Good reputation and good purity and her family was
Difficult to leave her family, but the will of God has
And married in February 4, 2007, and pitched to
Alexandria area of ??Miami.

Hana walking martyr left Zaki

Hana gave birth to her first and only Joseph
And her son started in the definition of mother Great Church
Orthodox, which are kept on them.

The first experiment

The trial began before the accident about 4 months where he tried enemy
of good scare appeared to her in the first imagination wanders in the
apartment and then began to show a stronger and closer to reality
several times and once came to her which is trying to sleep and found
them in the apartment with her son and feared much for trying to hurt
her and could not scream or speak been affected by a voice from within
and efffective fill out Keywords Psalm were not know before I shot the
words behind him so faded Satan Faqamt immediately Aptdet lying in the
apartment, then they grabbed their arms, a Bible and opened the book of
Psalms, and if it find a Psalm which was fill awareness of his Fajtbert
The power of God.

Hana walking martyr left Zaki

The second experiment

Hana was a martyr like her grandmother and her mother's mother
A lot and found it was Saint Mary Zaki know the people on the ground,
her heart was her actions and statements indicate holiness even as it
Into the sky during her cancer
Saw a lot of the saints, when departure
I attended the granddaughter Hana was so sad
Separated from the grandmother and said, who comforts us
It is in Heaven and Aarat remain uniform,
The grandmother calls Hana's always invited
Very beautiful and tell her (our Lord mounted Mratbek)
And actually responded to her God
And received the highest rank of the certificate.

Hana walking martyr left Zaki

Hana walking martyr left Zaki

Anba Karas Aaziha and Iverhaa

During the existence of Cairo, Hana with the family all
There was a picture of Abba Karas tourist
When she put her head is alleged by the surrender of the entire St.
Karas came right on her head (the wound, which cited its impact on the
region of the left)

Hana walking martyr left Zaki

Then appeared to her Bishop Karas

Shortly before the martyrdom three times
The joy of this for a love affair with the great saint

Hana walking martyr left Zaki

The night of the incident
Hana Aptdt related to its people and relatives, including on New Year
2011 New Year messengers to congratulate them and wish them a happy new

She went to church and out of the Saints to the heavenly Church Triumphant

Out Hana with her husband and her son in the middle constipated,
however, his father and mother, and is only for a moment, and everyone
was on the ground, the mother her head is incomplete and blood coming
from it profusely and father bleeding on the ground of many of the
fragments, which took in after more than a process to remove them and
the child Joseph sees scene and he's sound did not touch anything (a
miracle) remained nearly three hours wandering the center of body parts
found after crying, his clothes stained with the blood of the martyrs.

Hana walking martyr left Zaki

Night difficult

We were surprised at 9 pm New Year's Eve
A call from the father of martyr professor left Zaki says he will come
to Cairo to visit her aunt here, peer-to spend New Year's Eve with us
and this is the first time that happens, has said he uncomfortable and
wants to stay awake with us and at the time of 12 pm, where turn off the
light, as usual, and we pray that the shift to
Year old to the new home
We were not happy the whole time we did not know why
At 1 am Contact martyred brother
Mina left and his mother, Magda isotope say that there is an explosion
Church of the Saints and they are afraid of the martyr Hana and his
family and they Haulo
Contacted and her husband and her mother, but without
Feasibility and her father asked me to go to Alexandria at 2 am and we went on
Immediately to Alexandria, and came to us through our travel
Phone Mina and her brother says he saw the incident on the net and by
one sister, like a martyr and we told him we do not rush to call safe
Tadros Muharraqi Boukhalh monk who said to him (your sister in the sky illuminating a veteran)
Vazdad it worse and as we walked the father tried to contact the family
in Alexandria to Post a relative of the husband and the husband said in a
hospital in Victoria and the child is present, but do not know Hana
About something Vazdad it worse, but we expected
It is reserved in the church or with a relative
Call Me and her older brother Hani, was very concerned
Li said it I feel that levied a need
Where a call to the Alexandria police and told me that Nagy's husband
Majid martyr injured and was taken to the hospital either the child and
no martyr for them any data. Followed the walk to Alexandria and the
atmosphere was difficult by the rain and mist, and we pray that we find
along the way
Even if infected, but not dead did not imagine that this could never happen to her.
We got to Alexandria and went to the hospital in Victoria where we found
her husband and Atmina him and his children Joseph, and then we went to
more of the hospital in search of Hana, but God has not left us in a
dilemma where I called my wife here, peer-aunt of the martyr and he told
me in tears and screaming
Hana died I contacted Ptlefonha reported high
One of the police and told me her phone found in Kom El Dekka a question about this
******** was found to be a morgue.

Hana walking martyr left Zaki

The most difficult moments

We went to the morgue and then we went to her father and I see the scene
was indescribable, I can not tell but it was a massacre and body parts
and Alraas and foot with blood filling the place smell awful
And to know her and her father, where he said the assistant director of
security is actually my daughter and no cross in her right hand, and if
the movement of her right hand the Cross, located above the sign of God
and comfort for all.
The scene was terrible and I remembered the martyrs in the days of the
Romans, where Kano Iktonhm and Amzkounam into pieces and Nfrtna into
tears with the hope and we like Baaradh God who allowed this and thanked
him and came one priests of the Church of the saints, along with
another priest and lawyer, and asked them to be buried Hana Ismailia,
but they wanted to bury it in Alexandria with the rest of the martyrs
and the families of her father and its people that the presence and
blessing of the city of Fayed and Ismailia whole diocese because it was
requested before her death to be buried in one of the bishops Votsalo
Fayed, who said that freedom for us and we waited in that many measures.

Hana walking martyr left Zaki

During the so called me uncle monk Tadros
Li said he arrived at the Fayed and asked me to end all of the washing
and shrouding the Fund and its people not to see that this appearance is
And actually it is only an hour and reached her uncle
Colonel Kamal and his son and others by her husband and Zhbo and Ahoudro required and I stood witness
The martyr in Ngsilaa and shrouding
And put it in the box.

The sight of her face after washing and clear and beautiful and strange
as if asleep during roll Alborns I saw red drops of blood on the wound
Alborns happened off the blood and a red light with the knowledge that
Rapid clotting of blood, but blood was red
Does not change its color and we did not know its source
Where he was in the form of sporadic points
Then we went to the city where I was born Fayed
And raised and buried.

Thousands are waiting for the arrival and it is the first martyr for the
blessing they know has become a near and present in their country while
carrying one of the deacons fund found traces of blood on Tunih by AJ
from more than one person saw him knowing that he had passed on her
death Aktar than 20 hours.
She was buried in Family Cemetery next to her grandmother, who
She died soon so be prepared a special shrine
Balshahydh in the same church

Video Hana left the funeral of the martyr


To one of the blessed women in Cairo

Told that she saw the Virgin Mary first and then in her lap martyr Hana
In her large cross in the clothing and white face shining and with her
grandmother Almtinihh Mary said martyr to Mrs. Aizhaky say to Mama I am
happy here and Mesalosh supreme Baleish saree Ptamilo de said Mrs. I do
not know your family, how Sabglhm said it will comes aunt Madame here
and Tattiyky my picture tells you the PHP and Bserty and that was three
different times did not tell the one that came Madame here aunt martyr
to visit this lady in her home for the pond where I learned the blessing
of this lady, especially that they have at home a great blessing (the
image of Our Btensl oil) and that the Virgin Mary made with many
miracles, among them her recovery from her husband tumors and healing of
Then directly contacted us this lady's mother martyr and Root have all
this and then we started the work of the glorification of the Virgin
Mary and Anba Karas tourist in our apartment where he saw the younger
brother Theodore left while we idealization angels small birds in the
lounge, the apartment and take watching them throughout the Kiemnha
idealization did not tell us never until after we finished glorification
of where the apartment was fully Anwar extinguisher except candles.


In the dream of her brother Mina left

Appeared to him in a dream to be opening the door of the room and caused
a laugh and tell him enter Jamena? Already entered and said to him, the
owner Mechanism strange like that dress Mama You Htaml first Mashavtny
wondering Why I like that Mamich and Lahu live before thee. And what man
Mina Maouhstkh Omh Aaoz hug your sister.

Arranged by the apparitions appearing ti****ble

Hana went to Alexandria and the bride to a man who returned from Alexandria Bride of Christ.
As Christ died for them are also dead
For Christ.

The fortieth anniversary of
The bride of Heaven

Hana walking martyr left Zaki

Hana walking martyr left Zaki Şahide Saints Church< which shed its blood in the name


آخر تعديل بن الملك يوم 06-26-2014 في 04:48 PM.
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة لمنتديات ام السمائيين و الارضيين